Winter Series

It’s the time of year when many of us are inviting family and friends into our homes. As we look forward to spending time with our loved ones, we want to extend our best wishes to all of you and share a few of ways to give your guests an exceptional welcome and make your homes a delightful destination!  Adding a few thoughtful touches will ensure that your home is a comfortable respite for your guests, making the time you spend together more relaxing and enjoyable. 

  • Remember to add a few items to your shopping list that your guests may not regularly splurge on themselves - special coffee, herbal teas, good quality chocolate…you get the idea..

  • Display the Wi-Fi password in their room, along with directions for complicated items in your home - a fancy espresso machine, complex shower controls, or how to operate the home audio system in their room. When guests can help themselves, it eliminates frustrations and more importantly…eliminates the potential for Aunt Marge to wander around in her towel, asking for help with the shower! (insert cry/laugh emoji)

  • Be sure to stock bathrooms with extra towels, luxurious shower products, a few new toothbrushes and other hygiene essentials.

  • Arrange guest bedroom nightstands with a carafe of water and a glass, a few good books, a phone charger, and a small bouquet.

  • Extra blankets, pillows, and a sound machine gives guests control of their own comfort.