The Sustainable Home Series: Reducing Food Waste:

We love to compost! It reduces the # of garbage bags we use, space in landfills, and can be used in the garden.  While composting takes a bit more effort than some of the other sustainable strategies we employ in our home, we think the benefits are worth the extra effort! If you like the idea of composting, but don’t have a place to do so, check out @compostnow to find a local pickup company!

Here are a few more food preservation ideas to help you reduce food waste in your home:

  • Buy locally grown whenever possible.  The less time spent on a truck, the fresher and more nutritious the food is. 

  • Once avocados are perfectly ripe, you can store them in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. If you’ve used half of the avocado, don’t toss the rest! Leave the seed in it, spritz a little lemon juice on it and wrap it tightly with the least amount of oxygen exposure to keep it fresh. 

  • Strawberries last longer if you add a little vinegar to the water you wash them in and put a cloth inside their storage container to absorb excess moisture.

  • Put an apple in your bag of potatoes and keep them away from onions. Store tomatoes at room temperature.  Keep scallions and herbs upright in water or rolled loosely in a cloth.

Some folks separate bananas from each other, some wrap the stems, and some think they last longer in a bun