The Sustainable Home Series 

We practice sustainability and waste reduction not only in design but in our daily lives. We’ve been doing so for ages and to help you start, or bolster, your waste reducing, sustainable living journey, we want to share some practical strategies, places we love for their likemindedness, and planet conscious products we use.  We are calling this series “The Sustainable Home” and we invite you to share your ideas with us and the world too.  Just add #TheSustainableHome to your posts.

Growing up, cloth napkins were an essential item in our grandmother’s home. She had drawers full of them in the dining room and always enjoyed using them to dress up the table. You’d have been hard-pressed to find a paper napkin in her house unless you knew their hiding spot. 

Using cloth napkins reduces paper waste and in turn, helps reduce the cutting down and processing of trees.  Paper napkins can’t be recycled because their fibers are too short to be made into new paper, and food particles and grease contaminate the waste process, rendering paper napkins fit only for the trash. Additionally, one paper napkin often isn’t enough for messy hands or spills which means a lot more than one per person, per meal, ends up in the garbage.  Cloth napkins are more absorbent and don’t tear when wiping so they can be used for more than one swipe. And...they can be so pretty! You can arrange them in a lovely basket on your table for everyday use, rotating different patterns with the seasons.  

Linen napkins are our favorite for their excellent absorbency and because they get softer with every wash.  Want something really special? Choose your own fabric and have them made. If you aren’t a seamstress, don’t worry, we can direct you to a few of them, or you can find great options on Etsy. 

*Disclaimer: None of the products, places or methods mentioned are sponsored advertisements and are only endorsed by LRID insofar as we have personally had positive experiences with them.